Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mateusz Kolek

how ill is that?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

okay. time to just cry myself to sleep or some shit.
this song this song this song.
it's unfair how it can change my mood so well.

don't be so blue don't be so blue don't be so blue don't be so blue don't be so blue

the color hardly suits you
but color can't be helped.

don't be so blue.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

so many things are changing around me, i find it a little strange that i still stay the same.

-i'm planning on commuting to pratt this semester for various reasons. like being able to use that money to get a car. using that money to go on tour.
-me and kelvin are split for all intents and purposes. also for various reasons (various really only being one: distance). SO GUESS WHO A SINGLE LAYDEE?!
-picking up major speed with the band once again! we're in the studio starting tomorrow!

... i don't know!
maybe there is a little something to this whole new year, new decade business.
the only thing that isn't new is me. same old me. all the time.

i like this idea a lot. for like a photo shoot or something

back in the studio starting... tomorrow!
i'll keep posting with details.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

cold desert - kings of leon


they're my favorite band.
i can't even... like to me, they're just really perfect.

Friday, January 08, 2010

things things...

i'm going to grow my hair out again and i'm going to learn the piano again.

with patience that i don't really have.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

back in new york!
as of... three days ago.

and holy roller, it's a new year.

but that's like besides the point. it's just like most days, excepting the fact that my kidneys don't hurt so much most days.

point: women i admire and look up to.
uh.. that i can think of at the moment:
Bjork, Fiona Apple, Frida Kahlo, Patti Smith, Agnes Varda