Thursday, March 11, 2010

okay. listening to Plastic Beach (the new Gorillaz album).

first off, the album on it's own is phenomenal. it was recommended to me by my old ap psych teacher.
he recommended watching the video for Stylo, specifically saying that it would, "crack me up".

well i watched it. didn't understand it apart from the donuts and bruce willis.
so that prompted further research...

i had no idea how incredible and grand the gorillaz were (are?)
like it's an entire fiction. it's an entire fucking world!
it's amazing! there's a whole story to follow and i'm a complete sucker for stories.

i spent most of today with the gorillaz.
(and watching north by northwest)

discovered this:

what is that? what?
you could say it's noodle - gorillaz guitarist. it is.
you could also say it's going to be me for halloween this year. it is.

i am totally sucked into and obsessed with this shit now.
it's so brilliant!
Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett are more or less gods, really.

here's the video to Stylo:

1 comment:

Kevin Li said...

the gorillaz are my favorite band. they're the shit.